Day Four and Arrival at Barber Vintage Festival
Our Bikes Parked in front of the Barber Museum

We left Panhead City this morning at 9 am. As soon as I woke I hauled my stuff to the bike and packed the tent. At just about nine I discovered my cell phone was missing (I'm glad I opted for the insurance). I looked everywhere I'd been to no avail then a buddy walked around with me while he called my phone. At the campsite we heard nothing. Up at the bike again, he tried to call it once more. Standing near my bike we hear a very faint ringing.
Turns out the phone was in the tent when it got packed a then got loaded onto the bike. With about five minutes to go before I would be left in a cloud of dust and motorcycle exhaust I disassembled the gear and then repacked it all just in time for “Two minutes to kickstart!” yelled by Buzz Cantor, one of the organizers of the ride from American Iron magazine.
Disaster averted, we headed out across north Georgia and into Alabama. The route took us across lovely country with rolling hills and forests, with mountains once again growing large as we approached Leeds and the festival. Nearing Barbers, some of us refueled the bikes, while everyone refueled their bodies at the BBQ place next to the gas station.
Upon arriving at Barbers Motorsports Park we were greeted by Mr. Barber himself and invited to park our bikes in front of the museum entrance. So far Old Faithful has rolled around 1,050 miles with no more trouble than a blown fuse. We said our goodbyes to our new Kickstart friends and then spread out to different parts of the park; me to the swapmeet area to meet up with my friends from Pinetta, FL, and H-E-L USA.
I pitched the tent on the swapmeet site and here I am now typing at the booth table by the light of my miniature flashlight.
Tomorrow, some race viewing and hopefully some riding in the rolling surrounding countryside
Road Dog
"Ride Your Own Ride."